Thursday, January 31, 2013

Donatello and Michelangelo

Green and purple together always remind me of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Green and orange, as well. I had a beloved outfit in fourth grade that was comprised of a green/white rugby striped T-shirt with orange denim bermuda shorts. I only remember wearing it once because I'm pretty sure it was made fun of. 

Anyway, today's accessory is a green wooden bead necklace.

I can't remember where I got it, though I think it was Encore in Conway, SC. I was going through a multi-strand thing at the time. I've got four more to prove it. Maybe that'll be a theme next week.

I'm not running today, when I should. I could get my monthly average up to where I need it to be. But it's windy and I'm cold. So I'm just going to run more in February to make up for it. Right?


1 comment:

Alana said...

loving the post title. when i wear orange and blue i always think i'm dressing like donald duck.

and yes, ye olde multistrand phase. i remember thee well.

i recently threw out a necklace i hadn't worn in years. remember the round wire necklace with one hanging charm phase? early 2000s.