Monday, April 30, 2012

Week Long Morph

Instead of five individual Fashion Points of the Day this week, there will be one overarching "Fashion Point of the Week." It is "Morphing."

Day one is the Tweeman shirt.

Tomorrow, some element of the outfit will repeat. And so on. The point will be to see how far Friday's outfit can get away from this shirt in four days. Or how close it can stay. Either outcome will be interesting.

On a related note (you'll see later), listen to "Livin' Thing" by Electric Light Orchestra.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's fashion point is Pete and Repeat.
I'm wearing exactly this same outfit.

It's cold enough to wear polyester. It's glorious really. People are complaining that it's cool again. I love it. Let's keep it cool a little longer. Summer is too sweaty.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Oh snot! It's been like two weeks since my last post. Call me uninspired. I've had a couple of fashion points worth writing about, but I'm sick of my photography set up. I sneak off to the bathroom at work for about 10 minutes each day. I set up my phone using either a zip disc case (I kid you not) or a binder clip as a tripod. Then, using the now defunct gorillacam app as a timer, I take 10 awkward photos of myself before deciding which one is the least awkward.

Also, I've had runner brain lately. All I can think about is the next run. Except last night when all I could think about was sleep. Right now, I'm thinking about my easy three tonight and my long 14 tomorrow. My goal is 75 miles this month and I've got 11 days to run less than miles. Good thing my schedule calls for another 47, which means I should break 100 miles this month. Then, after the Indy Mini, I go into maintenance mode for a month before I start training for the Monumental Marathon. You heard that right. I'm training for a marathon. Twenty six point two miles of pure running joy and pain.

I'm not sure why I want to run a marathon. The thought of it scares me. I don't know if I have the time or energy to train for it. Crap, I'm building a wall. I've had two people, whose opinions I fully trust, independently tell me that I think catastrophically. They both used that word. Every little problem is the end of the world. A marathon is a small problem, a brick if you will. It presents several other concerns–time, energy, fear. Some more bricks. You see my very small pile of bricks? I see a giant fortress. An insurmountable wall of woe. I'm trying to just see the bricks. It may not have been my motivation before, but conquering my apocalyptic mind is now, definitely part of why I'm training to run a marathon.

Back to fashion points. I don't have one today, but I thought I'd show off the best part of the outfit.

 It's a good necklace combo, dontchyathink? I guess combining it with the navy pants (that you can't see) would make today's point "Nautical or Nice." Hahaha. I love a good pun.

Hopefully, I'll be back more next week.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I'm a bit of art geek. It's been a while since I've had any structure to my geekery, so my arsenal of vocabulary has rusted a bit. But look at this photo.

Do you love it? You should. It's about the city, yet there's barely a hint of the city. It makes it intensely quiet. This photo whispers. You have to lean in to hear it, but you can totally hear this photo. Sometimes the senses cross. And now I'm on a mission. I want to recreate the feeling of that photo. It's easy, really. PIck a subject and photograph everything around it. Ignore what you want people to see. I love it.

And now for the FPotD: Alana

I'm not positive of this claim, but I'm sure enough to say it. If my friend Alana had to pick an outfit for herself from my closet, this would be it. She once described her style as classic modern euro. Also, I know she's geeking out right now. Hi Alana!

Geez, so self-aware.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


And she doesn't carry sizes I'd be comfortable ordering, so it looks like I get to try DIY.
Sorry, I've missed a few days. I do have FPotD reports, though. Let's catch up.

Friday: If You Like It, Rock It.

I wasn't sure about the yellow tights, purple dress, brogues combo. I knew I liked it, but wasn't sure if I could pull it off. I asked Oscar what he thought. As he was mulling, I mentioned that I liked it and he came back with the perfect advice: If you like it, rock it. So I rocked it. I wasn't sure how to rock the photo, though. I like this pose best, but my face was weird, so I am headless, which works for me with this look. The dress is Fossil. The shoes are Steve Madden. The tights are Target? Maybe.

Monday: Norma Arnold

As in Kevin's mom. From the Wonder Years. I didn't take a photo, so here's a drawing.

 Can you tell I hate to draw hands? It's red Minnie pants from J.Crew with an ancient Isaac Mizrahi for Target shirt. I bought that shirt last time I was skinny (2001-03). I loved it so much that I held onto it in case I was ever thin enough again. And look! I am. This time, I kept my favorite fat clothes and had them taken in. That way, I can't gain any weight back. Of course, back at Miami, I didn't have a lot of nice clothing. Mostly jeans and t-shirts. I remember one pair of jeans, though. They were a size 16. I just barely got that big right before starting college. I promptly lost twenty pounds in the first semester. But I kept those pants and tied the two back belt loops together with some rope. How weird is that? But I thought that was the shit. Like I was some broke college student. I mean, I didn't have much money, but my parents would have bought me a couple of pairs of pants if I'd asked. But I was determined not to ask my parents for fun money. They were paying for college. And I didn't ask them for a dime my first two years of school.

Today: The abyss and a fluffy angel cloud.

This sweater for some odd reason makes me think of an angel's perch at dawn. Or cotton candy. But a fluffy pink sunrise cloud is a better image. Add it to the stark, black skirt and there you have my fashion point. I love the way the black lace is sort of a continuation of the black.

The skirt is Target. The shirt is Banana Republic outlet. The sweater is J.Crew. This is the sweater I mentioned in the post about TV shows. I saw it on Ellie in Cougartown. Yes, I watched Cougartown and loved it.

Anyway, I'm all up to date now. I think tomorrow, I might try to figure out how long I can go without an outfit repeat. I mean, just find the article of clothing of which I have the least and it's easy. But I could complicate it my considering certain combinations. For instance, I mostly wear my skinny jeans under boots, but I could wear them with ballet flats. Completely different look, but a definite repeat. And what about work vs. not work clothing. I have a feeling I'm going to be embarrassed by how much clothing I actually have. I guess we'll find out how I handle these questions tomorrow.