Thursday, July 26, 2012

FPOTD: Profeshionable Shorts

**Ugh, I totally started this yesterday, but didn't get to finish. So here's yesterday's post, today.**

I really like the look of tights with high wasted tweed shorts. Today's point is not that look for two reasons. One, it's hot as balls. Two, I don't have the balls to wear it. However, today's look involves shorts. For the longest time, I swore to never wear shorts to work. This summer has proven too powerful, though. Some days it's just too hot. Today is going to be 100+. So out comes the seersucker. I made this collage for you. The creative juices were flowing. I like it except the whole four arms thing. Anyway, I've merged "professional" and "fashionable" to make today's point: profeshionable.  

It's very preppy, no?