Monday, January 14, 2013

See that gap in my closet? See all those beautiful clothes to the right of the gap. See all the perfectly lovely clothes to the left? Guess what divides them?

Twenty pounds.

To the right are all the clothes that I can't fit into. They're just too small. They weren't six months ago. Hell, most of them were okay three months ago. And that's not including all the folded jeans I can't wear. I'm down to two pairs of jeans and one pair of slacks. Two dresses. I'm nearly in a panic. Wait. I am in the panic stage. I need to get to the do something phase. Just breath and run phase. Stop eating shit phase.

I can do this. I've done it before. I just didn't think I'd have to do it again. But this just goes to show how important exercise is. My eating habits are a huge problem, but I kept them at bay with running. Now, I want to tackle both facets of losing weight. The exercise and the diet. But I hate cookiwah wah wah. I'm tired of hearing myself type. I'm so boring. I just wanted to illustrate something and I've gone off on a tangent.

Gained twenty pounds in six month.
Want to take it off in half that.
Must stop hating to cook.
Must run more.

Brevity, yeah!

1 comment:

Alana said...

when i cook, i make a lot of one thing and then freeze individual portions like homemade tv dinners.

like i cook for four people but its just me, aka i have spaghetti whenever i want.

that may help you cook more but still less.