Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fashion Point of the Day: Wear ALLLLL the Necklaces

There is a web comic/blog that I've read called Hyperbole and a Half. There's one entry where the author enumerates all the reasons she'll never be an adult. I particularly love the panel where she cleans "ALL the things." Oscar and I have taken to blanking ALLLL the blanks. Drink ALLLL the beers. Hug ALLLL the kittens. Today, I wear ALLLL the necklaces.

Well, technically not all the necklaces. Not even all my necklaces. But five is more than usual. I must confess I came up with the title for the FPotD before the outfit. Not that it's much of an outfit without the necklaces. But that's the point. I was in a blah mood yesterday when choosing today's outfit. So I figured. T-shirt plus jewelry. I'm also wearing jeans, but nobody needs to see jeans. You know what they are. I am wearing white low-rise Chuck Taylors. How very 2002 of me. My socks are white and my pants are cuffed so from the waist down I look a bit like a greaser. But back to the necklaces. All but the longest gold one are from J. Crew or J. Crew Outlet. The longest gold one is Banana Republic. I love love love J. Crew jewelry. You will come to learn that I love J. Crew in general. It's a problem. In particular because I don't see myself as all that preppy. I think I'm more classic with a twist. We'll see as this little project progresses.

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