Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Across the Universe. Too many people told me to watch it, so I am. I don't hate it. But it looks like a bunch of random thoughts tied together along a string of Beatles music. Not cohesive enough. A cross between Baz Luhrman and Dave McKean, but not in a good way. But I like the music.

Edit: Having finished watching this movie, I don't recant anything I said about it. I will add that I loved the "real" scenes, especially those in England. The trippy scenes were lame. Ooooh technicolor effects. Ooooh naked people. Just a load of kitch and camera tricks. Blah.

Just today: I hate Papyrus and I hate when people think they've told you something and gently remind you to do what they thought they'd told you to do. I have a meeting with a professor on Thursday to discuss the possibility of using the printmaking lab. Wooo! Intaglio press! Hot! I mean, I hope he deems me worthy. Eesh, I keep forgetting this is a semi-audition. BARF!!! so nervous now.


"I Am Way Cool"

Thank you Professor, for meeting with me. This is my work. As you can see, some of it is useless, but I brought it to show you the techniques with which I am familiar. These pieces are actually what I'm more interested in. They are what I would consider exploring in grad school.

Wow, Carman! I've never seen anything as innovative as those LP pieces. Those are fucking sweet. And those layered monotypes are pretty amazing. Especially that four-color dot piece. Great exploration of color theory. I mean, neat-o. I think either of these options would be worth exploring. In fact, if you'd like to enroll for next year, we're short an instructor. You can skip the application process. I can do that, you know. Let you skip the application process.

Or. . .

Well, Carman . . . I've seen the record thing a million times. And the style of drawing is pretty cliche. Every twee girl in mary-janes and strawberry hair clips draws her birds that way. I'm sorry to tell you, but I really think you should consider options outside the art world.

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