Friday, April 20, 2012

Oh snot! It's been like two weeks since my last post. Call me uninspired. I've had a couple of fashion points worth writing about, but I'm sick of my photography set up. I sneak off to the bathroom at work for about 10 minutes each day. I set up my phone using either a zip disc case (I kid you not) or a binder clip as a tripod. Then, using the now defunct gorillacam app as a timer, I take 10 awkward photos of myself before deciding which one is the least awkward.

Also, I've had runner brain lately. All I can think about is the next run. Except last night when all I could think about was sleep. Right now, I'm thinking about my easy three tonight and my long 14 tomorrow. My goal is 75 miles this month and I've got 11 days to run less than miles. Good thing my schedule calls for another 47, which means I should break 100 miles this month. Then, after the Indy Mini, I go into maintenance mode for a month before I start training for the Monumental Marathon. You heard that right. I'm training for a marathon. Twenty six point two miles of pure running joy and pain.

I'm not sure why I want to run a marathon. The thought of it scares me. I don't know if I have the time or energy to train for it. Crap, I'm building a wall. I've had two people, whose opinions I fully trust, independently tell me that I think catastrophically. They both used that word. Every little problem is the end of the world. A marathon is a small problem, a brick if you will. It presents several other concerns–time, energy, fear. Some more bricks. You see my very small pile of bricks? I see a giant fortress. An insurmountable wall of woe. I'm trying to just see the bricks. It may not have been my motivation before, but conquering my apocalyptic mind is now, definitely part of why I'm training to run a marathon.

Back to fashion points. I don't have one today, but I thought I'd show off the best part of the outfit.

 It's a good necklace combo, dontchyathink? I guess combining it with the navy pants (that you can't see) would make today's point "Nautical or Nice." Hahaha. I love a good pun.

Hopefully, I'll be back more next week.

1 comment:

Alana said...

nice pun, i love them so! twin brown necklace i see. where'd you get the ship one?

i like that its floating on the seafoam green of your shirt.....har