Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sorry, I've missed a few days. I do have FPotD reports, though. Let's catch up.

Friday: If You Like It, Rock It.

I wasn't sure about the yellow tights, purple dress, brogues combo. I knew I liked it, but wasn't sure if I could pull it off. I asked Oscar what he thought. As he was mulling, I mentioned that I liked it and he came back with the perfect advice: If you like it, rock it. So I rocked it. I wasn't sure how to rock the photo, though. I like this pose best, but my face was weird, so I am headless, which works for me with this look. The dress is Fossil. The shoes are Steve Madden. The tights are Target? Maybe.

Monday: Norma Arnold

As in Kevin's mom. From the Wonder Years. I didn't take a photo, so here's a drawing.

 Can you tell I hate to draw hands? It's red Minnie pants from J.Crew with an ancient Isaac Mizrahi for Target shirt. I bought that shirt last time I was skinny (2001-03). I loved it so much that I held onto it in case I was ever thin enough again. And look! I am. This time, I kept my favorite fat clothes and had them taken in. That way, I can't gain any weight back. Of course, back at Miami, I didn't have a lot of nice clothing. Mostly jeans and t-shirts. I remember one pair of jeans, though. They were a size 16. I just barely got that big right before starting college. I promptly lost twenty pounds in the first semester. But I kept those pants and tied the two back belt loops together with some rope. How weird is that? But I thought that was the shit. Like I was some broke college student. I mean, I didn't have much money, but my parents would have bought me a couple of pairs of pants if I'd asked. But I was determined not to ask my parents for fun money. They were paying for college. And I didn't ask them for a dime my first two years of school.

Today: The abyss and a fluffy angel cloud.

This sweater for some odd reason makes me think of an angel's perch at dawn. Or cotton candy. But a fluffy pink sunrise cloud is a better image. Add it to the stark, black skirt and there you have my fashion point. I love the way the black lace is sort of a continuation of the black.

The skirt is Target. The shirt is Banana Republic outlet. The sweater is J.Crew. This is the sweater I mentioned in the post about TV shows. I saw it on Ellie in Cougartown. Yes, I watched Cougartown and loved it.

Anyway, I'm all up to date now. I think tomorrow, I might try to figure out how long I can go without an outfit repeat. I mean, just find the article of clothing of which I have the least and it's easy. But I could complicate it my considering certain combinations. For instance, I mostly wear my skinny jeans under boots, but I could wear them with ballet flats. Completely different look, but a definite repeat. And what about work vs. not work clothing. I have a feeling I'm going to be embarrassed by how much clothing I actually have. I guess we'll find out how I handle these questions tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your bobbed hair! Bet you look good riding up and down, hair bouncing, ready to cum…