Thursday, April 5, 2007

This isn't funny anymore.

Let's move back in time. Two hours ago, I was asleep. Before that I was almost asleep in Latin American History. Before that, I was in graphic design presenting my CD package to Mark James. I had been up until 4 am finishing it. But that's my own fault. He didn't like my idea. And frankly, I thought it was the most clever way of using his stupid fucking shitty ass, craptastic pile of (what curses do I have left?) goddamn, asstastic, spooge saturated kitsch. That's right, spooge. Not splooge. In the actual execution of this project, someone would paint his image onto the belly of a pregnant woman. To me, that sums up his entire philosophy. To him, that says Planned Parenthood. My idea was about life and future and for me, it was kind of spiritual. Planned Parenthood is a straightforward way of avoiding, or getting to pregnancy. It's an institution (albeit one I can get behind). My idea was about a stage of life that has unbridled potential. He just has uterus envy. Haha, I can hypothetically reproduce (hopefully) and he can't. He must be able to tell I think he's a fucking tool who's full of shit.

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