Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Meta Bow Peep

Look! It’s a shirt with a bow on it with bows on it.

I don’t have an accessory today because the bow was accessory enough. I went shopping this weekend. And then went shopping online some more. I spent a lot of money. Some of which is already kind of reserved for my trip to LA. But that’s what credit cards are for, right? I didn’t go over my debt comfort threshold. There is a certain amount I can comfortably pay off in a few weeks and that’s my comfort threshold. And I came close to crossing it, but didn’t. Anyway, that’s really none of your business, but I overshare.

I’ve felt the need to replace a few things from the “too small” side of my closet. Mainly pants, but I’ve felt a little under-wardrobed lately in general. Hopefully I’m buying stuff that will shrink with me, as I am working on losing the weight again. If it can’t shrink, I’ll take alterable.

So the pope. Why do I not feel this is a big deal? I get that it hasn’t happened in six centuries, but is it a big deal for a man to admit he’s done
? Ha. Maybe it is that big a deal. Get it. Men are stupid and can’t admit defeat. Sometimes, I feel that every man except Oscar is stupid. Sometimes, I feel that every person but me is stupid. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m alone in that. I think everybody goes through that.

1 comment:

Alana said...

interesting bow(tie) in withe the pope. yeah, men have such fragile egos. its pathetic.

can't wait to see what you've bought clothing wise. maybe you can help me do a wardrobe clean through in my closet. i'm basically a hoarder with clothes.