Saturday, January 26, 2008

Crazy Cat Lady

Three stories. The first two feed the third.

1.) Today, I bought Oscar a $.99 Tyrannosaurus Rex from Target. He named it Renee (after DeCartes) but then decided it was a girl. So, it's a girl with a girl's name, but after a boy. Anyway, he keeps randomly roaring at me and making it climb on me. It's quite adorable really.

2.) I quote myself from an email to a friend:

Euler is a kitty garbage disposal. He will eat anything.
I told you
about the felt. Well, he ate the plastic ring
from a milk jug. He
eats string, toilet paper, cotton balls,
carpet, plastic bags. When
he eats his food, he literally
makes scarfing noises. I don't think
he chews. When I get
home from work, I buy their love with with
Wedgie won't drink it unless it's on their carpet tower.
And I have to look away. Euler is such a lover bunny though.
He slept
on my head last night, and he totally hugs my
shoulder when I pick him

3.) Tonight, I made broccoli soup from a recipe from "Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares," a show on BBC America in which a great chef goes into failing restaurants and tries to diagnose and cure the problem. He literally threw cooked broccoli and some of it's cooked in water into a food processor with some salt. It's tasty. Euler thinks so too. He and Wedgie were being particularly feed me feed me tonight, so I gave them some more food. Inspired by his scarfing noises, I tried him on the broccoli soup. He LOVED it. Wedgie wouldn't touch it. Renee (as played by Oscar), despite being a carnivore, insisted on trying it too. She didn't like it, so I let Euler lick it off her. My cat made out with a plastic dinosaur covered in broccoli soup.

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