Monday, October 1, 2007

Sabrina!? NOOOOO!!

I have a bit of an evening TV routine. I get home by 4:30, which means I can catch an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I watch horrible TV, although, in my defense, the only reality TV I watch is on Bravo or TLC. After Sabrina, I watch Gilmore Girls while I do other random things. I rarely just watch it. Then, there's an episode of Friends, then 1.5 Law and Orders. It used to only be .5 hours because I'd watch BBC News. But I catch that on the Radio at work. Anyway, they've switched Sabrina with Seventh Heaven. I HATE Seventh Heaven. There is not enough I can say to denounce Seventh Heaven. So I suppose I'll have to find something more productive to do with my time. Can I tape Sabrina?

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