Saturday, September 29, 2007

Chocolate Milk is Good for Me? Sweet!

Oscar and I went to the farmers' market again today. I came home with a pound of lamb, 16 oz (which is a pound too) of honey, a little bouquet of flowers, and most of a quart of chocolate milk. The dairy gave me. GAVE me. what was left of their sample bottle of chocolate milk. There is a study that says chocolate milk is a super thing to drink after excercising. The fats and sugars help refuel you. I keep messing up little things at work. But I also do some really awesome stuff too. Oh well. Hopefully it'll balance out. I drank my first redbull since moving. Oh boy was it awesome. I should drink one a day as some sort of anti-depressant. I'd need to figure out some way of toning down the hyperness though. Holycowitmakesmetalkamileaminute. Ijustcan'tshutup. Goingoingoingoingoingoingoingoingoingoingoingoing. pantpant. pant.

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