Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fetal position
There's a show on the local community radio station called "Environminute." It leaves me feeling totally helpless, hopeless, pointless, and lost. I suppose it's supposed to motivate me. Why would environmentalists want to paralyze people? They wouldn't. I'm just an anomoly. It just seems like these migh be the last few decent years to be alive on this planet. After that, it'll suck. Will it be a desert? Or a smog sauna?
I should do something. But nothing seems effectual. Just like some little heading you can carry over your head. "I Car Pool." So people can think you're doing something. Environmentalism is altruism. Another way to categorize people. A way to make money on an intangible abstract product--Carbon offsetting. You can buy carbon offsetting!? Why not just reduce your output. Carbon offsett credits piss me off to the core of all my principles and logic. I don't really know how popular they are, so I guess I shouldn't worry too much just yet.
When did I become so pessimistic? I'd really like to not be so scared. I try to think of all the good things I have ahead of me. But then I turn on the news and begin to doubt they wil wait for me.

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