Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's finally hitting me. This whole moving thing. I still have yet to grasp that I am done with college (until/unless I go for my masters). But boy, am I hyperventilatingly aware that I am moving in a week. It's not so much the Indiana part that's so terrifying. It's the part where it's not Columbia. The part where I only know one person in the whole little town. It's freakin' me out right now. Right now. And the only real alternative I can see is crawling into my bed, which is covered with my mostly packed crap, and falling asleep for a long time. I have nothing but a handful of people in Columbia. Oh and a comforting familiarity. But I didn't have either of those when I first came here. And I hated the idea of Columbia when I was applying to schools the first time. I didn't apply here. I was a Clemson girl. But then Miami was Clemson enough for me so when I transfered, I went "urban."
I had the hardest time jumping into water when I was a kid. And forget about diving. That seems so significant now. I've been watching too much My So-called Life.

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