Wednesday, December 14, 2011

No running today

I ran the Oh Christmas Three point One 5K on Sunday. It was to raise money for the Edgewood High wrestling team. I love a good pun. Running and Christmas, all in one title. Love it.

It was my first race since May. Also, my first time on roads in almost as long. And hills. And I did a 2.5 mile warm-up because I was supposed to run 7 miles that day. My time was as expected, so yay. Also, funny story: I forgot my number in my car, so 30 seconds before the start, I was bolting to and from my car, trying to pin on my bib. But hey, that's funny. All in all, a good day. I pushed myself.

But . . . and you knew there had to be a but . . . my right leg, from the knee down is not pleased. The bottom of my heel hurts, so I've been walking on my toe, which as messed with the rest of my leg. So, rest and foam roller for a few days.

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