Friday, October 17, 2008

A home inspection company after my own heart

In my endless rambling through the internet, I came across a home inspection company in south-central Indiana called–get this–SHERLOCK HOMES. In Disney's Jungle Book, there's a scene where Mogli laughs at the elephants as they fail to stop and end in a twelve pachyderm pile up. He's rolling and gripping his sides. That's me. I love the name Sherlock Homes so much. I'm well aware that it's probably been done. To death.

Last year, I bought a new iPod. And since I have never synced an iPod to iTunes, my play counts were reset. I also tend to go through music phases. I'll listen to one or two bands for weeks and then not go near them again. All this leads to the discovery that I had only listened to 40% of the 7600+ songs on my new iPod. I've spent the last two weeks listening to anything with a zero play count. I'm up to 47%. I've also deleted a lot of random duplicates.

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