Friday, August 14, 2009

I am booooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrred. I'm so bored, I couldn't end that last sentence in an exclamation point. I'm so bored, I almost forget to breath. I'm so bored that my attention span has shrunk to the point where the only things that can entertain me have to be mindless (ie, lame card games on my iPhone). I'm so bored, I've forgotten how to read and write (ooh, ooh, irony). I'm so bored, I might slip into a coma. I'm so bored, I've nurtured a caffeine addiction. And it's not like I haven't tried to find something to do. Anytime I try to do something, my boss comes in and takes over. Or if I suggest helping in bindery, he says, "nah, the guys'll get it." I really am redundant here. Two people are doing a single job here that could be done part-time most of the year. So compounding the depression caused by boredom, is the fact that I'm not needed.

This whole work boredom has really seeped into my life. Some days, it's all I can do to stay awake and engaged, even after work. I start to get itchy around two everyday. Trying to come up with excuses to leave early. I'm quite tired of the apathy. Oh well.

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