Friday, March 13, 2009

Just a venting e-mail I wish I could send to a client

Hi *******,
To start, I am painfully aware that I messed up your letterhead, but you're being big about it and using what you've got. However, you saw them before I printed them. You approved the print. You really don't need to passive-aggressively remind me that they were wrong. You could very easily have asked that they be reprinted. I'm sure we would have done it at no extra charge. But you would rather hold it over me. We've already printed something to your satisfaction since. So from now on, I'd appreciate it if you could just let it go. I will remember you're a bitch and will pay extra attention to your jobs without you having to say a word.

1 comment:

Alana said...

best line " i will remember that you are a bitch"

--end scene